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Nomada bisignata Say, 1824


Scientific Name: Nomada bisignata Say, 1824

Common Name: Nomada bisignata


Nomada bisignata Say, 1824, in Keating, 1824: 354. [♀].

     Holotype . USA [presumed destroyed].

Nomada bicincta Howard, 1902: plate III. Lapsus of Nomada bisignata Say, 1824.


Taxonomic Notes: The ♂ was described by Say (1937: 402, not 1853 as indicated by Robertson 1898: 51); Swenk (1913: 101) indicated that the ♂ variety descibed by Say (1937: 403) was N. articulata Smith.

As noted by Robertson (1898: 51) and Cockerell (1903: 75, citing Robertson), N. bisignata cannot easiley be recognized.

Distribution in Canada: Provancher 1882 [Canada?, Sheffield and Perron 2014 suggest "Eastern USA"]; Harrington 1894 [ON]; Walker 1913 [ON].

It is possible that the Canadian records of this species are misidentified, and as that the species itself should be treated as nomen dubium or a neotype deisgnated.


Say T (1837) Descriptions of new species of North American Hymenoptera, and observations on some already described. Boston Journal of Natural History 1: 361-416.

Swenk MH (1913) Studies of North American bees I. Family Nomadidae. Univeristy Studies of the University of Nebraska 12(1): 1-113.

Keating WH (1824) Narrative of an expedition to the source of St. Peter’s River, Lake Winnepeek, Lake of the Woods, &c. &c. Performed in the year 1823, by order of the Hon. J.C. Calhoun, Secretary of War, Under the Command of Stephen H. Long, Major U.S.T.E. Vol. II. Philadelphia, USA: H.C. Carey & I. Lea—Chesnut Street, 253–378. [T. Say prepared the Appendix. Part I.— 1. Zoology].

Harrington WH (1894) An entomological trip to Copper Cliff, Ont. The Canadian Entomologist 26(1): 9-16.

Walker EM (1913) Insects and their allies. Pp 295-403, in Faull JH (ed) The Natural History of the Toronto Region, Ontario, Canada. The Canadian Institute, Toronto. 419 pp.

Sociality: Parasitic
Nesting: Ground

Crop Preference: Not Available
Non Crop Preference: Not Available

Distribution: Ontario

Distribution Map