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Andrena thaspii Graenicher, 1903


Scientific Name: Andrena thaspii Graenicher, 1903

Common Name: Thaspium Miner Bee


Andrena delta Viereck, 1903 [1902]: 56 [♀] [Preoccupied, not Andrena delta Kirby) [synonymy by LaBerge 1980: 444]

     Holotype ♀. USA, New Mexico, west of Beulah, 23 August [no year provided], by W. Porter [ANSP no. 4086]

Andrena thaspii Graenicher, 1903: 162 [♀,♂‚]

     Lectotype ♀ [designated by LaBerge 1980: 447 by mention]. USA, Wisconsin, Milwaukee, 23 June 1902, by S. Graenicher [on Thaspium trifoliatum aureum and Angelica atropurpurea] [ANSP no. 4068]

Andrena indotata Viereck, in Viereck et al. 1904b: 190, 222 [♀] [Preoccupied, not Andrena indotata (Viereck, 1904)] [synonymy by LaBerge 1980: 444]

     Holotype ♀. USA, Washington [ANSP no. 10295]

Andrena clypeoporaria Viereck, in Viereck et al. 1904b: 192, 224 [♀] [synonymy by LaBerge 1980: 444]

     Holotype ♀.USA, Washington, Olympia, 12 June 1895 [ANSP no. 10290]

Andrena lewisii Cockerell, 1906b: 435 [♀] [synonymy by LaBerge 1980: 444]

     Lectotype ♀ [designated by LaBerge 1980: 448 by mention]. USA, Colorado, Florissant, 15 July [no year provided], by T.D.A. Cockerell, on Linum lewisii [P.H. Timberlake Collection]

Andrena didelta Viereck, 1908: 42 [new name for Andrena delta Viereck] [synonymy by LaBerge 1980: 444]

Andrena perindotata Viereck, 1908: 42 [new name for Andrena idotata Viereck] [synonymy by LaBerge 1980: 444]

Andrena thraspii Gibson, 1914: 125. Lapsus calami

Andrena ribifloris Viereck and Cockerell, 1914: 32 [♂‚] [synonymy by LaBerge 1980: 444]

     Holotype ♂‚. USA, Colorado, Florissant, 19 June 1907, by S.A. Rohwer, on Ribes vallicola [USNM no. 18144]

Andrena paenefulva Viereck and Cockerell, 1914: 51 [♀] [synonymy by LaBerge 1980: 444]

     Holotype ♀. USA, Colorado [ANSP no. 4080]

Andrena (Andrena) azygos Viereck 1917: 550 [♂‚] [synonymy by LaBerge 1980: 444]

     Holotype ♂‚. USA, New Mexico, Cloudcroft, 16 June 1902, by H.L. Viereck [ANSP no. 4010]

*Andrena (Andrena) nitidarum Viereck, 1924: 78 [♀] [synonymy by LaBerge 1980: 444]

     Holotype ♀. CANADA, Alberta, Calgary, 18 June 1917, by F.W.L. Sladen [CNC no. 673]

Andrena albosellata Cockerell, 1931: 7 [♀] [synonymy by LaBerge 1980: 444]

     Holotype ♀. USA, Colorado, Pagosa Springs, 7500 ft., 21-23 June [no year provided], by F.E. Lutz [AMNH]

Andrena (Bythandrena) gabrielsoni Mitchell 1960: 115 [♀] [synonymy by LaBerge 1980: 444]

     Holotype ♀. USA, Connecticut, Colebrook, 23 July 1911, by W.M. Wheeler [ANSP no. xxx]


Species Notes:Though LaBerge (1980: 447) indicates a holotype female, Graenicher (1903) did not specifically select a specimen, or at least provide enough information to distinguish a single specimen from the 9♀ and 5♂‚ syntypes from the type locality, collected between 29 May and 23 June 1902. The same is true for A. lewisii Cockerell, with 2♀s collected on 15 July, and others collected on different dates (6, 11 July). Therefore, LaBerge (1980) is considered to have selected lectotypes by mention of a specific specimen in each case.

Sociality: Solitary
Nesting: Ground
Pollen Specialization: Polylectic
Wintering Stage: Adult

Crop Preference: Brassica sp.
Non Crop Preference: Ceanothus sp., Astragalus sp., Melilotus sp., Ceanothus americanus, Melilotus albus, Symphoricarpos occidentalis, Eriogonum sp., Salix sp., Heracleum sp., Potentilla sp., Symphoricarpos sp., Kalmia sp., Frasera sp., Vaccinium angustifolium, Erigeron sp., Senecio sp., Viburnum sp., Vaccinium sp., Vicia sp., Rosa sp., Rubus sp., Spiraea sp., Ranunculus sp., Purshia tridentata, Cornus sp., Phacelia sp., Salix brachycarpa, Geranium sp., Ribes sp., Agoseris glauca, Angelica sp., Arenaria sp., Asclepias speciosa, Barbarea vulgaris, Sinapis arvensis, Calochortus sp., Cistanthe umbellata, Eriogonum flavum, Heracleum maximum, Heuchera sp., Hieracium sp., Houstonia sp., Lappula sp., Linanthus pungens, Linum lewisii, Pastinaca sativa, Phacelia sericea, Physocarpus opulifolius, Polemonium sp., Rosa arkansana, Rosa carolina, Rudbeckia hirta, Sambucus canadensis, Sonchus arvensis, Sorbaria sorbifolia, Aruncus dioicus var. vulgaris, Tilia americana, Valeriana capitata

Distribution: Alaska, Alberta, British Columbia, Labrador, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Northwest Territories, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, Quebec, Saskatchewan, Yukon
Ecozone: Arctic, Atlantic Maritime, Boreal Cordillera, Boreal Plains, Boreal Shield, Hudson Plains, Mixwood Plains, Montane Cordillera, Newfoundland Boreal, Pacific Maritime, Prairie, Taiga Cordillera, Taiga Plains, Taiga Shield, Western Interior Basin