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Andrena nasonii Robertson, 1895


Scientific Name: Andrena nasonii Robertson, 1895

Common Name: Nason's Miner Bee


*Andrena vestita Provancher, 1888: 310 [♂]. Preoccupied, not Apis vestita Fabricius, 1793 = Andrena fulva (Müller, 1766). Synonymy by Viereck (1907: 287).

     Lectotype ♂, designated by Sheffield and Perron (2014: 125). CANADA, Quebec, Cap Rouge [ULQC no. 1465].

Andrena nasonii Robertson, 1895: 120 [♀].

     Lectotype ♀, designated by W.E. LaBerge, in Webb 1980: 106]. USA, Illinois, Carlinville, 1 May 1894, by C. Robertson, on Rhamnus lanceolatus [INHS, Robertson no. 16323].

Andrena hartfordensis Cockerell, 1902: 103 [♀]. Synonymy by Viereck (1907: 287).

     Lectotype ♀, designated by LaBerge (1989: 10, by mention). USA, Connecticut, Hartford, 31 May 1896, by S.N. Dunning [no. 1026] [Natural History Museum, Boulder].

Andrena nasoni Viereck, 1907a: 287. Lapsus of Andrena nasonii Robertson, 1895.

Andrena (Andrena) nasonii var. fulvodorsata Viereck, 1917: 385 [♀]. Synonymy by Linsley (1951: 1073).

     Holotype ♀. USA, Texas, Lee County, Fedor, 22 March 1905, by G. Birkmann [ANSP no. 4059].


Taxonomic notes: Cockerell (1898: 90) considered Andrena vestita Provancher, 1888 a valid species, and indicated that it was likely very similar to his Andrena melanochroa Cockerell, 1898. Dalla Torre (1896: 161) also recorded Andrena vestita Provancher, 1888 as a valid species even though previously in that work (i.e., Dalla Torre 1896: 125) recorded Apis vestita Fabricius, 1793 as a junior synonym of Andrena fulva (Müller, 1766), though attributing the species to Schrank, 1781 (the date 1766 appears as Apis XXIII Schaeffer, Icon. Insect. Ratisbot. I. P. 1 1766; T. 34 F. 11).

Viereck (1907a: 287), who who mistakenly considered Provancher’s species valid, listed Andrena nasonii Robertson, 1895 (as A. nasoni Robertson) and Andrena hartfordensis Cockerell, 1902 as synonyms, so is credited here; the mistake was corrected in the “Notes and News” of in a subsequent issue of that journal (Viereck 1907b: 365), with A. nasonii (as A. nasoni) listed as the valid species. Thus, Viereck (1907a: 287) was the first to recognize Provancher’s name as preoccupied. Viereck (1907c: 455, 1916: 717) continued to misspell this as A. nasoni; his Andrena nasoni var. fulvodorsata Viereck, 1917 is also misspelled, though Mitchell (1960: 244), LaBerge (1989: 7) incorrectly used the correct spelling for this taxon. Several other published works have used the incorrect spelling of the species epithet nasonii, including Pierce (1909: 91), Morse (1910: 690), Criddle et al. (1924: 97), Chapin (1925: 40), and Kathirithamby and Taylor (2005: 11). Pierce (1909: 104) carried the mistake onto the species epithet of his Stylops nasoni Pierce, 1909 (Strepsiptera), which has reared from a female specimen of A. nasonii.

LaBerge (1989: 10) credits T.B. Mitchell (e.g., Mitchell 1960: 244) for the synonymy of the preoccupied Andrena vestita Provancher, 1888 under Andrena nasonii Robertson, 1895, though this affinity, as noted above, was first noted by H.L. Viereck (1907: 287).

Though LaBerge (1989: 10) designated a lectoallotype [♂] for A. nasonii, this is not a valid designation as the type series contained four female specimens only.

Cockerell (1902: 103) did not indicate a type specimen for A. hartfordensis from the two specimens he mentioned, so LaBerge (1989) is considered to have designated the lectotype.

Though largely considered an eastern species (i.e., LaBerge 1989: 7), in a short communication to the American Entomological Society H.L. Viereck (Viereck 1907c: 455) indicated that this species showed considerable geographic variation, indicating that the western forms, which he did not name of defined, may be considered as two subspecies. He subsequently (Viereck 1917: 385) named a fulvous form from Texas Andrena (Andrena) nasonii var. fulvodorsata Viereck, 1917, though it was subsequently treated as a junior synonym by Linsley (1951: 1073).

DNA Barcode Index Number (BIN): BOLD:AAB7413

Distribution in Canada: Provancher 1888 [QC, as A. vestita Provancher, type locality]; Criddle et al. 1924 [ON, QC]; Linsley 1951 [east. Canada]; Knerer and Atwood 1964 [ON]; Krombein 1967 [eastern Canada]; LaBerge 1989 [ON, QC]; Sheffield et al. 2014 [MB - based on LaBerge 1989]; Richards et al. 2011 [ON]; Normandin et al. 2017 [QC].

Gibbs et al. (2023) indicated that the record of A. nasonii from Teulon, MB in LaBerge (1989: 12) is based on a misidentified specimen of Andrena wheeleri Graenicher, 1904.


Provancher L (1888) Additions et Corrections au Volume II de la Faune Entomologique du Canada Traitant des Hyménoptères. Quebec, Darveau.

Cockerell TDA (1902) North-American bees of the genus Andrena. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, Series 7 9(50): 101-106.

Dalla Torre CG (1896) Catalogus Hymenopterorum hucusque descriptorum systematicus et synonymicus. Volume X: Apidae (Anthophila). Engelmann, Leipzig, 644 pp.

Knerer G, Atwood CE (1964) An annotated check list of the genus Andrena in Ontario (Hymenoptera: Andrenidae). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Ontario 95: 41-56.

Krombein KV (1958) Superfamily Apoidea. In: Krombein KV. Hymenoptera of America North of Mexico Synoptic Catalog (Agriculture Monograph No. 2). First supplement . United States Government Printing Office, Washington. Pp. 204-261.

LaBerge WE (1989) A revision of the bees of the genus Andrena of the Western Hemisphere. Part XIII. Subgenera Simandrena and Taeniandrena. Transactions of the American Entomological Society 115(1): 1-56.

Mitchell TB (1960) Bees of the Eastern United States. Volume 1. North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station Technical Bulletin 141: 1-538.

Normandin É, Vereecken NJ, Buddle CM, Fournier V (2017) Taxonomic and functional trait diversity of wild bees in different urban settings. PeerJ 5: e3051.

Richards MH, Rutgers-Kelly A, Gibbs J, Vickruck JL, Rehan SM, Sheffield CS (2011) Bee diversity in naturalizing patches of Carolinian grasslands in southern Ontario, Canada. The Canadian Entomologist 143(3): 279-299.

Sheffield C, Perron J (2014) Annotated catalogue of the bees described by Léon Provancher (Hymenoptera: Apoidea). The Canadian Entomologist 146 (2): 117-169.

Sheffield CS, Frier SD, Dumesh D (2014) The bees (Hymenoptera: Apoidea, Apiformes) of the Prairies Ecozone, with comparisons to other grasslands of Canada. In: Giberson DJ, Cárcamo HA (Eds) Arthropods of Canadian Grasslands (Volume 4): Biodiversity and Systematics Part 2. 4. Biological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, 479 pp. [ISBN 978-0-9689321-7-9].

Viereck HL (1907a) Andrenae of the Canadian, Alleghanian and Carolinian plant zones occurring or likely to occur in Connecticut. Entomological News 18(7): 280-288.

Viereck HL (1917) New species of North American bees of the genus Andrena contained in the collections ofthe Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. Transactions of the American Entomological Society 43(4): 365-407.

Gibbs J, Hanuschuk E, Miller R, Dubois M, Martini M, Robinson S, Nakagawa P, Sheffield CS, Onuferko T (2023) A checklist of the bees (Hymenoptera: Apoidea) of Manitoba, Canada. The Canadian Entomologist 155: E3.

Criddle N, Curran CH, Viereck HL, Buckell ER (1924) The entomological record, 1923. Annual Report of the Entomological Society of Ontario 54: 87-102.

Webb DW (1980) Primary insect types in the Illinois Natural History Survey Collection, exclusinve of the Collemboa and Thysanoptera. Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin 32(2): 55-191.

Linsley EG (1951) Subfamily Andreninae. In: Hymenoptera of America north of Mexico Synoptic Catalog. Edited by CFW Muesebeck, KV Krombein, and HK Townes. USDA Agricultural Monograph No. 2, Washington, D.C. pp 1052–1086.

Cockerell TDA (1898) Further notes on Andrena. The Entomologist 31: 88-90.

Kathirithamby J, Taylor SJ (2005) A new species of Halictophagus (Insecta: Strepsiptera: Halictophagidae) from Texas, and a checklist of Strepsiptera from the United States and Canada. Zootaxa 1056: 1-18.

Pierce WD (1909) A monographic revision of the twisted-winged insects comprising the order Strepsiptera Kirby. Smithsonian Institution, United States National Museum, Bulletin 66. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC. 232 pp.

Chapin EA (1925) Food habits of the vireos: a family of insectivorous birds. Uinted States Department of agriculture Departmen Bulletin 1355: 1-42.

Viereck HL (1907b) Notes and news. Entomological gleanings from all quarters of the globe. Entomological News 18(8): 365.

Viereck HL (1907c) Doings of societies. Entomological News 18(8): 455.

Morse SR (1910) Report of the Insects of New Jersey. Annual Report of the New Jersey State Museum 1909: 1-888.

Sociality: Solitary
Nesting: Ground
Pollen Specialization: Polylectic
Wintering Stage: Adult

Crop Preference: Malus pumila, Medicago sativa, Pyrus communis, Prunus serotina
Non Crop Preference: Astragalus sp., Melilotus sp., Salix sp., Taraxacum sp., Rhamnus sp., Leucanthemum vulgare, Descurainia sp., Potentilla sp., Vaccinium angustifolium, Erigeron sp., Senecio sp., Barbarea sp., Lepidium sp., Viburnum sp., Claytonia sp., Fragaria sp., Prunus sp., Rosa sp., Rubus sp., Spiraea sp., Amelanchier sp., Zizia sp., Ranunculus sp., Crataegus sp., Capsella bursa-pastoris, Phacelia sp., Claytonia virginica, Enemion biternatum, Antennaria sp., Cercis canadensis, Berberis aquifolium, Prunus americana, Salix interior, Salix nigra, Geranium sp., Ribes sp., Taraxacum officinale, Heracleum maximum, Hieracium sp., Crataegus mollis, Salix cordata, Cardamine concatenata, Erythronium americanum, Acer sp., Caltha palustris, Angelica atropurpurea, Fragaria virginiana, Zizia aurea, Apocynum × floribundum, Borodinia laevigata, Lindera benzoin, Camassia scilloides, Ceanothus herbaceus, Claytonia caroliniana, Collinsia verna, Crepis runcinata, Cardamine diphylla, Euphorbia commutata, Geranium maculatum, Hydrophyllum appendiculatum, Kalmia latifolia, Oenothera fruticosa, Penstemon pallidus, Physaria didymocarpa, Pimpinella sp., Pinus strobus, Polemonium reptans, Populus sp., Potentilla anserina, Prunus pensylvanica, Ranunculus abortivus, Ranunculus bulbosus, Robinia pseudoacacia, Rubus canadensis, Micranthes virginiensis, Sedum sp., Spiraea × vanhouttei, Thlaspi arvense, Tussilago farfara, Viola sororia

Distribution: New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Quebec
Ecozone: Atlantic Maritime, Boreal Shield, Mixwood Plains, Prairie

female; lateral view
female; lateral view